jeff lunt

I write code primarily in ruby. here are a few things that are different from the norm in my personal coding style.

don’t use the private nor protected keywords in languages

when writing OOP code I avoid using private, protected, or any other keyword in a language intended to make that method more difficult to invoke. instead I prefer to adopt a naming scheme to indicate to other users of the code what parts are intended for public consumption, and what is intended only as supporting methods for implementation.

the reason I do this is a few reaons

frame problems as data pipeline problems when you can

while I don’t write code in lisp, some of my most used capabilities within ruby are the methods in the Enumerable module. I find these so useful that I will often compose a solution to a programming problem as a series of steps operating over some kind of collection or list, as one often does in lisp.

use simple data structures rather than custom data structures

if there is no custom behavior to a class, then consider whether it out to be a struct instead. if a Hash will do the job, but the performance isn’t what you’d like, consider whether you need that extra performance vs. the simplicity and practicality of using a Hash or other data structure from the standard library.

in general, use the standard library when you can, because every bit of effort you put into knowing your core language will be returned back to you in time saved at a rate higher than building your own thing or using custom libraries. but of course this only applies if a custom data structure or library works well.

testing libraries

if I want to use a testing library, I’m generally going to choose a simple assertion-based library. not a huge fan of testing libraries that use English-like phrases to represent program output. I feel that computers are too precise and detailed to work well in this way. if I have to choose between explicit vs. vague I’ll generally choose explicit, even if that means being more verbose.

an example

I wrote a small ruby gem, called tiny_bus that follows the style points above. there aren’t any tests, but it’s well documented and works.